Welcome to the Genetess V1.01 Rules Overview page.

Genetess V1.01 is a play by e-mail game. This means that the players submit their moves and receive game information by exchanging e-mails with the game account which is bobbyk@bobbyk.demon.co.uk

Although based on Chess, each Genetess V1.01 game has a unique board which has a series of designated starting squares on it. After an initial round (round 0) where players bet against each other to obtain the starting square of their choice, and the turn order they prefer, the game is played in a series of rounds each of which consists of sequential turns by every player.

Play continues until all bar one player have had their King taken and been eliminated. Scoring in Genetess V1.01 greatly favours attacking play and the capturing of enemy Kings, so the last player left standing might not be the winner of the game.

All you need to be able to play Genetess V1.01 is an e-mail account that can handle attachments, and a method reading Microsoft Excel 95 workbooks. Access to this website is useful, but this entire site can be zipped and sent to those without internet access if they wish.

Each turn you make in Genetess V1.01 can be made with only about a minute's thought, although you can spend hours working out your strategy if you wish. With so little effort being required, many people choose to play in more than one Genetess V1.01 game simultaneously.

Most players prefer to play Genetess V1.01 under a psuedonym, often several psuedonyms if they are in more than one game. The only time your real name will be required is on the high score table.

And of course the best bit is that Genetess V1.01 is completely free ! So if you fancy trying it out, go to one of the game pages that has some player spaces and sign yourself up.

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© 2000-2005 Robert Kydd
