Welcome to the Genetess V1.01 Rules Rounds page.

Every game of Genetess V1.01 is logically split into a structure of rounds and turns. Rounds are depicted using an integer number starting at 0, and turns are depicted by a lower case letter starting at a.

As has already been mentioned in the Startup section of these rules, round 0 is special in that it does not consist of a series of turns. Apart from round 0, every round has one turn for each player. So for example a 6 player game would have a round and turn structure of :-

Round 0
Round 1a
Round 1b
Round 1c
Round 1d
Round 1e
Round 1f
Round 2a
Round 2b
Round 2c
Round 2d
Round 2e
Round 2f
Round 3a ... etc.

but a 3 player game would have a round and turn structure of :-

Round 0
Round 1a
Round 1b
Round 1c
Round 2a
Round 2b
Round 2c
Round 3a ... etc.

Because the order of play is fixed through a game once determined in round 0, every player will move on a fixed turn during each round, e.g. if green moves on round 1b, they will also move on 2b, 3b, 4b, etc.

At the start of every Genetess V1.01 turn all players in a game receive an updated turn e-mail from the game account. This means that in a 6 player game for example each player will receive 6 turn e-mails between their moves. This is to allow you to see any pieces that might move into your view but be taken before your next turn. It also provides a useful guide as to when your next turn might come round.

The turn e-mail (see example below) each player receives consists of a textual summary of the round and turn, which player is to move, the deadline by which they must move to avoid being timed out, and a quick summary of the cost and name of the genetic codes available in that game. It also contains an attached Microsoft Excel 95 workbook with 2 worksheets - please note the presence of 2 worksheets, some "compatible software" which can read Excel workbooks, e.g. Microsoft Works, only opens one worksheet at a time. If you do not have any software that can read Excel workbooks, Microsoft provide some free viewing software at http://office.microsoft.com/downloads/2000/xlviewer.aspx.

The first of these worksheets (see example below) provides a historical summary of the amount of E and pieces you have had, and currently have in this game, as well as a reminder of the order of play and who's turn it is to move. It also contains valuable information on whether any of your opponents have completed their moves or been timed out without submitting a move. The final information that can be shown on this worksheet is if a player has been eliminated from the game but still has some Ronin pieces they are able to move in a last ditch attempt for revenge.

The second of these worksheets (see example below) provides your view of the board (another note for those not using Excel to view these worksheets, the special squares described in The Board section of these rules are marked in your view of the board using cell notes that should display when you hover the mouse over the special square in the worksheet - if this doesn't work in whatever package you are using to view the Excel file please let me know and I will append textual descriptions for you).

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© 2000-2005 Robert Kydd
