Welcome to the Genetess V1.02 Rules Specials page.

Most Genetess boards contain several special squares which have a variety of effects when pieces start their turn on them. It is important to note the phrase "start their turn" as Genetess V1.02 introduces some rigid consistency in when special squares are triggered. They are no longer ever triggered by a piece simply landing on them - that piece must start its next turn on the special square for the special to trigger. If either the piece is taken, moved (e.g. by a tremor), or destroyed (e.g. by another piece killer special square) before that player's next turn, the special square will not trigger. Once a special square is occupied it will continue to trigger every round that its triggering conditions are met.

Special squares are recorded using cell comments in Excel. This means they appear on the map as a small red triangle in the corner of the square they apply to. Their contents can be read (in Excel - not on this page as I am simply using pictorial references) either by hovering the mouse over them, or right clicking on the square and selecting edit comment from the context menu that is displayed. Information on which special squares may exist on a particular board may be provided in the game homepage information (see the startup section of the rules for details).

All special squares are grouped by their function and given a code consisting of the letter S followed by a number. The meaning of these codes is detailed below. The code will often not provide full details on its own as to the function of the special square, so additional information text will be included. For example two squares with the S1 code may provide different amounts of bonus E, perhaps as indicated by the following information text.

The only other important consideration with special squares is that of the order they fire in. Occassionally it may be important to know which of the special squares occupied by a single player will fire first. The simple rule here is that they fire in order of their code (e.g. S1, then S2, then S3), or if they have the same code they fire first in the top left corner, then across the first rowm then the second row and so on.

The groupings of special codes are now described in more detail.

S1 - E Bonus
These specials provide an E bonus. Unless otherwise stated in the additional information text, this bonus is independent to the number of Kings you possess.

S2 - Wall Creation
These specials create new interior or exterior walls. Dependent on the additional information text, they may destroy, move, or be prevented from operating by pieces occupying target squares. Note that when new exterior walls are created it is possible that new playing areas may be defined once they are completely enclosed.

S3 - Piece Duplication
These specials attempt to duplicate the occupying piece to a target square. If successful the duplication will cost the owner of the piece the same total of E as if they had created the new piece using their King - if the player does not have sufficient E the special square will fail to operate. Dependent on the additional information text, they may destroy, move, or be prevented from operating by pieces occupying target squares.

S4 - Genetic Code Addition
These specials add genetic codes to the occupying piece. The additional information text will specify which code(s) are to be added, and any conditions that may apply.

S5 - Map View
These specials provide a view of all of the board. If the occupying piece contains an F code this view will include decode information.

S6 - Piece Killer
These specials kill piece(s) on target squares. The target squares will be specified in the additional information text. Note that a piece containing the K code can not be destroyed by this special, instead all its codes other than K are removed.

S7 - Detonation
These specials kill any piece triggering them. They also send out a blast N, S, E, and W that destroys the first piece it encounters. If the triggering piece contains an E code the blasts will continue after destroying each piece until it hits a wall - destroying further pieces on the way if present. If the triggering piece contains an O code the blasts will also destroy 1 interior wall should they encounter one. If the triggering piece contains a C code, blasts will also be sent out NW, NE, SE, and SW. Note that a piece containing the K code can not be destroyed by this special, instead all its codes other than K are removed.

S8 - Teleport
These specials teleport the triggering piece to a target square. Dependent on the additional information text, they may destroy, move, or be prevented from operating by pieces occupying target square or range of squares.

S9 - Radiation
These specials irradiate target square(s), often including the special square itself. All pieces caught in the irradiation will lose 1 or moe genetic codes as specified in the additional information text. Note that a piece containing the K code can not lose its K code.

S10 - Wall Destruction
These specials destroy interior wall(s) as specified by the additional information text.

S11 - Factored E Bonus
These specials provide a unique E bonus dependent on how many are triggered by a player simultaneously. The E bonus provided is equal to the square of the number of S11 specials occupied as a percentage of current E, e.g. 3 squares would give a bonus of +9%.

S12 - E Decay
These specials act in a similar fashion to the S1 specials, apart from the fact that they remove E from enemy players rather than granting an E bonus to the occupying player.

S13 - Relocate Specials
These specials randomly relocate all specials on the board to new loactions. All such new locations will be inside the outer walls of the board, and dependent on the additional information text may occupy empty squares, occupied squares, or even walls. Specials will be processed from the top left corner of the board and then moving across the first row, then the second row etc.

S14 - Double Up
These specials double the genetic sequence of the triggering piece, but at a cost to the occupying player equal to the cost of creating the occupying piece. If the occupying player does not have sufficient E the special will not trigger. If the occupying piece contains a K code, all codes other than the K code will be doubled.

S15 - Redistribute
These specials randomly redistribute all the pieces owned by the occupying player, apart from any containing the K code. Pieces may randomly end up on their original square, and pieces will only end up on squares originally occupied by the triggering player. Pieces are processed by virtually removing them from the board and then one at a time randomly determining which empty target square each one will occupy.

S16 - Tremor
These specials rock the entire board, causing all pieces and special squares to move randomly to one of the 8 squares adjacent to their starting position. If the target square for any piece or special is occupied that specific move will not occur. Pieces are moved starting in the top left corner of the board and then moving across the first row, then the second row etc.

S17 - Target
These specials reveal all pieces on the board containing a K code. If the occupying piece contains an F code this view will include all the genetic codes in the pieces containing the K code, if not it will simply show the K code.

S18 - Synergy
These specials reveal all pieces on the board having the exact same genetic sequence as the occupying piece, with the full genetic sequence of the revealed piece always being shown.

S20 - Rockfall
These specials cause the roof to collapse within the view of the triggering piece changing all targetted squares into interior walls, killing all pieces caught in the area of effect, including the triggering piece. Any piece containing the K code caught in the area of effect simply loses all its codes apart from the K code, and its square does not turn into interior wall. See also the section in submitting orders covering blocked players.

S21 - Recycle
These specials destroy the piece that triggers them, but also returns the full cost in E of the destroyed piece to its owner. If a piece containing the K code triggers this special, all its codes apart from the K are lost, and the E total returned is that of a piece made up from the lost codes.

S22 - Monkey
These specials cause the piece (or pieces if equidistant) nearest to each starting square on the board to gain a K code.

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